J Farren-Price Clients Raise over $200,000 for Zero Children’s Cancer

 J Farren-Price is passionate about assisting the Zero Childhood Cancer Program, a world-leading personalised medicine program for children with cancer.

We have, for a number of years supported Zero Childhood Cancer with auction items and donations. This year we were to be principle sponsor of their major ball however Covid thwarted this being held. Instead, an intimate dinner was held at the wonderful (and very generous) Bentley restaurant in the CBD for 60 supporters.

Zero Childhood Cancer

As we have in the last few years an invitation was made to some of our wonderful clients to form a table of 10 on the night. With the assistance of this amazing group our table managed to contribute an astounding $228,000 of the nearly $500,000 raised. I cannot thank our loyal clients enough for their generosity. This funding will enable four senior researchers working at the lab benches to be employed for a whole year to progress these life-saving research programs

As Professor Michelle Haber AM said on the night:

“…because ZERO is providing so much new information about children’s cancers, the progress being made in our other research programs is accelerating. And the discoveries made in these other research programs also feed back into ZERO, potentially helping children enrolled in the Program. This is what we like to call ‘the virtuous cycle’. It’s a win-win.”

We feel very lucky as a firm in so many ways. We deal in luxury and offer beautiful products to client who also on the whole find themselves in the fortunate position to contemplate these purchases. Most have a philanthropic charity they like to support to give back to those less fortunate. Should you feel inclined to support Zero Childhood Cancer efforts or wish to know more about their work please visit the below link to find out more and if you would join us in supporting Zero Childhood Cancer you can make a tax deductible -  donation details below:

Make a gift today:

Direct bank transfer

St George’s Bank

BSB: 332 051 - A/C: 553 008 053

A/C Name: Children's Cancer Institute Australia for Medical Research Ref: full name and or email

It is important we can identify you via your bank gift, please do let us know your full name and or email address so we can thank you.  

Please do get in touch with the ZERO team if you have any questions.  Louise Barrett or call 0488 488 801


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