A Brand New Two Level Salon Now Open! – January 2020
J Farren-Price opens one of the largest Patek Philippe salons in the Southern Hemisphere in Sydney
J Farren-Price has become a renowned Sydney luxury watch and jewellery boutique owned by Julian Farren-Price. We are thrilled to announced we have now doubled the size of our 80 Castlereagh Street boutique. After 44 years on the premises, we have taken over the pre-existing restaurant above the original salon and expanded to a generous and beautiful second level.

Our luxurious new boutique will feature one of the biggest Patek salons in the southern hemisphere, complete with a private client sales room and separate lounge area. In a world first J Farren-Price will have on display every trinket tray given by Patek Philippe as a Christmas gift since 1997!

With the addition of an expanded jewellery area, we are excited about this new chapter for the company which celebrates 77 years in business. In addition J Farren-Price celebrates a special 40 + year relationship with Patek Philippe. Other changes see the boutique unveil a beautifully designed private Rolex salon on the ground floor and an expanded area for jewellery upstairs.